La profesora de nuestra Facultad, Lili Wang, ejerció de tutora (y de cicerone, por supuesto) del grupo de campamento de verano en SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), del 31 de julio al 25 de agosto de 2023. Como beneficiarios de las becas 2023 en SISU del Ministerio de Educación de China, había siete estudiantes de la ULPGC, seis de nuestra Facultad, y otra profesora de la Facultad.
English version (click here)
The Faculty, Summer Camp in Shanghai
Our Faculty professor, Lili Wang, served as a tutor (and, of course) of the summer camp group at SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), from July 31 to August 25, 2023. As beneficiaries of the 2023 scholarships in SISU of the Chinese Ministry of Education, there were seven students of the ULPGC, six of our Faculty, and another professor of the Faculty.